Committee Information

Website & Social Media Committee:

Committee Chair:  Matt Martin/Dylan Windham

Committee Responsibilities:  Maintains the website with current chapter information and events, including development and deployment of all social media posts and advertisements to bring awareness to section events and activities.

Planning & Events Committee:

Committee Chair: VACANT

Committee Responsibilities:  Coordinates and plans special events of the section, coordinating logistics, and event details, including coordination with the treasurer for payment and with the secretary and website/social media committee for advertising/notification of the event details. 

Programs Committee:

Committee Chair:  Terry Snow

Committee Responsibilities:  Coordinates arrangements/assigns responsibilities for each program including speaker invitation, location, program announcement/flyer, AV needs, food, volunteers, registration, sponsor recognition, opening and closing, speaker gift, and nametags as applicable. Coordinates the development of a list of potential topics and speakers for professional development programs and organizes and issues PDH certificates after each program or event to the attendees.  Maintains the section PDH certificate form.

Sponsorships Committee:

Committee Chair:  Scott Carney

Committee Responsibilities:  Responsible for developing the corporate sponsorship program levels, contributions and benefits and coordinating advertisement of the program as well as targeted outreach to potential corporate sponsors to request their participation.  Conducts an annual evaluation of the sponsorship program to identify areas of improvement.

Scholarship Committee:

Committee Chair:  Chris Jordan/John Walsh

Committee Responsibilities:  Establish a local scholarship program, developing applications, scholarship outreach and advertisements, as well as merit criteria for evaluating applications, assembles a scholarship application review committee of diverse representation and backgrounds to evaluate applications and make recommendations to the section board on scholarship awards.

If you would like to volunteer on a committee please fill out the below and submit.
